As you may have noticed by scrolling through my blog, a large number of my recipes have got peanut butter in them or dolloped on top of them, so it was only natural that I made a Peanut Butter Chia pudding. You can thank me later.
1/4 of a Cup of Chia seeds I used white ones from @thechiaco
1 TBS of Maple Syrup
1 Tsp of Vanilla essence
1/2 Cup of Coconut Milk or Cream
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water (optional you can just use coconut milk)
1 Big TBS of Peanut Butter
Take all ingredients apart from the chia seeds and pop into a saucepan, very slowly on a low gentle heat melt the ingredients together, allow to cool and pop into a container, add our chia seeds, mix well and pop into the fridge overnight, before you go to bed check the mix, if it is looking a little too thick add some more coconut water, mix well and pop back into the fridge.